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FASHION.HR Second day: Robert Sever

Druga večer Fashion.hr-a bila je rezervirana za dizajnera Roberta Severa koji je ujedno proslavio i svoju 15. godišnjicu rada na domaćoj modnoj sceni.

Kolekcija "Angie" vrišti bojama, te daje dojam neopterećenosti i ležernosti. Prevladavaju boho komadi, od ležernih i lepršavih haljina, skinny jeans, do popularnih bomber jakni. Nije nedostajalo ni modnih dodataka, pa su modele krasile krune, a i torbice su ukrašene dugim lepršavim resicama.

Kolekcija je vrlo nosiva i pozitivna, što mi se najviše svidjelo.  Prije svega, udobnost nam je najvažnija, ali da u isto vrijeme budemo dotjerane, zato je ova kolekcija za mene pun pogodak!

The second evening of Fashion.hr was reserved for designer Robert Sever who was also celebrating its 15th anniversary on the local fashion scene.

Collection "Angie" is screaming colors, and gives the impression of non-encumbrance and casualness. The prevailing boho pieces, from casual and airy dresses, skinny jeans, to the popular bomber jackets. There was no lack of fashion accessories, so the models worn the crowns on their head, and the bags were decorated with long flowing tassels.

The collection is very wearable and positive, what I liked the most. Above all, comfort is most important to us, but at the same time to be polished, because of that this collection for me is a great success!

 My outfit

With my friend and jewerly designer Marina

Baby pink skirt

Pozdrav dragi moji!
Prvo vam želim poželiti svima sretan Uskrs, nadam se da ga lijepo provodite i da ste okruženi s obitelji i prijateljima. 

Vani je divno vrijeme, pravo proljeće i baš jedan proljetni outfit vam danas donosim. Već ste mogli vidjeti na mom instagram i facebook stranici ovu divnu suknju za koju sam već dobila nekoliko upita. Dolazi sa Shein stranice i sigurno nećete požaliti ako je i vi odlučite naručiti. Materijal je vrlo kvalitetan i težak, jednostavno u njoj ćete se osjećati poput princeze! Kombinirala sam je na jednostavnu bijelu majicu i gležnjače, rozu torbicu i puno narukvica.

Hello my dears!
First I want to wish everyone a happy Easter, I hope you're having a good time and that you are surrounded by family and friends.

Outside is a wonderful weather, the real spring and exactly one spring outfit I bring you today. You could already see on my instagram and facebook page this beautiful skirt, for which I have received several inquiries. Comes with Shein's website and you will not regret it if you decide to order. The material is high quality and heavy, you will simply feel like a princess in it! I combined it with a simple white shirt and ankle boots, pink purse and lots of bracelets.

T-shirt: Pimkie
Booties: Pull&Bear
Bracelets: Dresslink
Bag: H&M

FASHION.HR First day: Envy Room

Sada kad je Fashion.hr završio vrijeme je za kratak report sa ovog važnog modnog događaja. Prvu večer otvorio je modni dvojac Envy Room i iznova oduševio sve prisutne! Moram priznati da su mi oni najdraži dizajneri i najveća mi je želja jednom nositi njihove kreacije.

Kolekcija za S/S 2016 čine vrlo ženstveni komadi, glavnu riječ vode crna i bijela boja, ali u glavnom fokusu je čipka i motiv ruža koje izvrsno pristaju čipkanim komadima. Osim divnih haljina koje su dominirale, bilo je tu i popularnih 3/4 hlača, elegantnih bluza i kombinezona. Dizajneri su se posvetili detaljima koji su zaokružili cijeli dojam, poput ovratnika s mašnama, volanima, zvonolikim rukavima te modnim dodacima poput malih i elegantnih torbica.
Svaka čast momci!

Now that Fashion.hr is over it's time for the brief report from this important fashion event. The first evening was opened by the fashion duo Envy Room and they again delighted all present! I have to admit that they are my favorite designers and my greatest wish is to wear one of their creations.

Collection for S/S 2016 make very feminine pieces, the main word leads black and white, but the main focus is lace and roses motif that fit excellent with lace pieces. Besides the beautiful dresses that dominated, there was the popular 3/4 trousers, elegant blouses and overalls. The designers have devoted themselves to the details which rounded whole impression, like the collar with bows, ruffles, bell-shaped sleeves and fashion accessories like small and elegant handbag.
Well done boys!

My outfit

Envy Room designers with bloggers the second evening
Dizajneri Envy Room-a sa blogericama druge večeri

Bloggers: Holly style, Tammy's fashion world, Dora dii, Daisy Elegant

Plaid shirt and massive necklace

Danas s vama dijelim jedan udoban ali chic styling. Nosim kariranu košulju koju sam uparila sa uskim trapericama, gležnjačama i crnom torbom koja se nosi preko ramena. Za veći dojam stavila sam masivnu statement ogrlicu sa site-a Dresslink. Ogrlica je predivna i planiram je nositi još mnogo puta. Možete je naručiti za sitne novce, a stvarno se isplati imati takav statement komad.

Kombinacije s kariranim košuljama su beskonačne, sve je dopušteno. Ja je volim nositi nekoliko broja veću, te kombinirati ispod veste, a možete je i nositi na običnu bijelu majicu. Poigrajte se, odaberite što vam pristaje i odličan styling je zagarantiran.

Today I share with you a comfortable but chic styling. I'm wearing a plaid shirt that I paired with tight jeans, ankle boots and a black bag that is worn over the shoulder. For bigger impression I placed a massive statement necklace from Dresslink site. The necklace is beautiful and I plan to wear it many times more. You can order it for small money, but is really worth it to have such a statement piece.

Combinations with plaid shirts are endless, everything is permitted. I love to wear it in a slightly higher number, combine it below sweater, and you can wear it on a plain white t-shirt. Play around, choose what suits you and great styling is guaranteed.

Coat: Zara
Shirt: Second hand shop
Jeans: Kik
Boots: Pull&Bear
Bag: Persunmall